Aggressive DUI Defense Attorneys
DUI cases are complex and require specialized handling and experience for the best results. The attorneys at Boise DUI Defense are specialists in DUI cases and offers unparalleled experience and expertise to every case we takes on. We will ensure that you are matched with the best attorney at our disposal for your specific circumstances to guarantee optimum results.
An aggressive DUI defense leaves no stone unturned.
Every DUI arrest produces an audio/video recording, numerous police reports, breath tests, copies of advisory forms, and copies of logs, calibration records and officer certification records. Each of theses documents or recordings are important because they are part of required procedures a police officer must follow in order for evidence from your DUI arrest to be admissible in court.
A thorough review of these documents can uncover potential legal defense that can lead to a dismissal. Even if grounds for a dismissal are not found, many times a thorough review can lead to discovery of information that lead to a reduced charges—often in the form of a non-DUI misdemeanor. It’s incredible the errors and contradictions these documents often contain and checking them thoroughly is the first line of defense in all DUI cases.
An aggressive DUI defense means a lawyer handles every aspect of your case.
DUI charges can threaten your job, your marriage, your education and your freedom. Mounting an aggressive DUI defense requires that an aggressive attorney handle every aspect of your case. From reviewing the discovery to preparing court filings, a DUI-focused attorney shouldn’t just be “involved,” your attorney needs to be at the center of the action, making certain that you receive the best defense possible. At Denver DUI Defense, you will have a dedicated attorney to monitor every aspect of your case. We never take on caseloads that threaten the dedication and ability to help our clients.
An aggressive DUI defense educates you about your case.
A DUI case will inevitably involve some tough decisions. The only person who can make those decisions is you and a thorough understanding of every element will be your best security. As part of your defense, you need an attorney who will explain the process to you, explain the prosecutor’s strategy and educate you about the strengths and weaknesses of your case. At the end of your case, you shouldn’t have any questions about what happened to you and why. You are the decision-maker; your attorney is only your guide and advocate.
An aggressive DUI attorney is a trial attorney.
With Glenn Godfrey and Boise DUI Defense, you don’t need to be afraid of taking your case to a jury. America’s jury system is designed to put the government’s case to the test. An aggressive DUI defense prepares for the possibility of jury trial from the beginning of your case. Preparing for trial from day one is the best way to put the prosecution on its heels and achieve the best result possible.
With a DUI case, your best defense is a strong offense. When you are charged with a DUI, you need to attack the charge from the very beginning. Fortunately, Boise DUI Defense has the methods and experience necessary to attack a DUI head on and win.